2 Minutes of Hope March 23, 2021

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
– Proverbs 3:5-6
Have you ever noticed that it’s a lot easier to trust the GPS directions when you don’t know where you’re going?
But then there are times where you kind of know where you’re going, so you type in the address to confirm the way and the GPS tells you a completely different route that you don’t agree with. Rather than trust in the GPS, you decide to lean on your own understanding and go the way you think is correct.
If you’re anything like me driving without the GPS to a somewhat familiar place, you inevitably zone out at one point or another and miss an exit, or take a wrong turn and end up having to use the GPS to redirect you to the correct destination.
It’s the same thing with our walk with God. On this journey of life, we have access to the best GPS through our heavenly connection with Jesus via the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we go confidently in the right direction with the Lord leading the way. We ask for His guidance and for His direction. We allow Him to direct our path. Then, suddenly, it’s almost as if He is nowhere to be found.
“....Lord? Where did you go?”
I imagine Him lifting His hand and saying, “I’m right here.” As we turn in every direction looking for Him, we see that He is still far behind or sometimes He’s on another path and we missed the turn. We end up having to back track to get back in-step with Him.
That is what happens when we lean on our own understanding. We start out striding with Him, our step with His, then as we start gaining confidence we begin to misstep. We pick up the pace and inevitably we end up going our own way.
When we do things on our own understanding, we do them on our own strength. We take away the power of the Holy Spirit that has been given to us for direction, correction and support and choose to trust our own knowledge instead.
The same way that we can trust the GPS to get us to our unknown destinations, we can trust that God’s Word being a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (PS. 119:105) will not lead us astray.
Through Jesus, we have been given a HPS, a Heavenly Positioning System. One that when followed promises to never leave us nor forsake us. One that’s word never returns void. One that leaves the 99 for the 1. He obviously knows where He’s going. Let’s lean in and let Him lead, so that we can get to the places where God needs us the most.
Let's Pray...
Lord, thank you so much for giving us your Son Jesus Christ as the ultimate sacrifice that brought us into a right relationship with you. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit which gives us the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. Thank you for always being with us. For never leaving us and for never forsaking us.
I pray today that your word would be a lamp at my feet and a light unto my path. I choose today to cast off my own understanding and instead choose to acknowledge You. Lead my path this week, Lord. I trust that you have gone before me and stand behind me and walk beside me every step of the way. I acknowledge that your ways are higher than mine and I ask for your will in my life to be activated above my own.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.